Soft Materials Research Lab
The Sharma Group
"Self-assembly and Soft Materials"

Our group studies materials that have complex microstructure and show rheological behaviour between those of crystalline solids and isotropic liquids. Materials belonging to this category are known as Soft materials and can be distinguished as (bio)-polymers, liquid crystals, proteins, colloids, and gels. Our studies involve self-assembly and dynamics of soft materials, combining it with different auxiliary functionalities like nanoparticles, covalent/metal organic frameworks, ionic liquids to achieve tailored hybrid and stimuli-responsive materials for sustainable chemistry and engineering. We combine some basic molecular synthesis with different microscopy (optical, fluorescence and electron), scattering (visible light, x-ray, and neutron), calorimetry, rheology and other tools to characterise these materials. We also use atomistic and coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations to unravel the underlying mechanisms of microscopic phenomena, providing a deeper understanding of the structural, dynamic, and thermodynamic behaviors at molecular and mesoscale resolutions. Our work has a strong impetus towards fundamental understanding, however, applications are varied. The emergent properties of such soft-materials allow their applications in the fields of health, biosensing, biocatalysis, nanocomposites, clean air solutions for environment, and improves life quality.
Research Focus Areas
• Liquid-Crystal based biosensing
• Self-assembly of polyelectrolytes
• Sustainability by CO2 capture and mineralization
• Scaffold materials for bone and cartilage repairs
• Protein behaviour in crowded environments
• Simulations on polyelectrolytes and hybrid materials.
News/Upcoming Events:
Rajkumar has been awarded the prestigious award of IIT Bombay, the "Naik and Rastogi Award for Excellence in Ph.D. Research" for the year 2022-2024.
Harsha Maheshwari received the Best Oral Presentation Award from the Royal Society of Chemistry; Journal of Materials Chemistry C, at the 29th International Liquid Crystal Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.