Soft Materials Research Lab
The Sharma Group
Early Research Achievers Award 2018-2019, IRCC, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India.
Young Scientist Award 2016, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India.
Leverhulme Early Career Research Fellowship 2015 (Nominee), London, U.K.
Shah-Schulman Award for 2012 for the best Ph.D. thesis in the area of Colloid and Interface Science by the Indian Institute of Engineers.
Joshi-Sivaram Award for the Best Publication in Polymer Science and Organic-Inorganic hybrid Materials with highest impact factor 2011.
Best Ph.D. Thesis for the year 2010: Keerthi Sangoram Award on National Science Day 2011 held in National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India.
Best Poster Awards at Science Day 2010 and 2009 held in National Chemical Laboratory.
Indo-French Sandwich Ph.D. fellowship Award by the French Embassy in India to visit and work at Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal, Bordeaux, France.
Topper (Best Student) in the coursework conducted for Ph.D. students joining NCL Pune.
Awarded Research Fellowship by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), India, for pursuing Ph.D.
Gold Medalist in Master of Science (Applied Chemistry)