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  • Early Research Achievers Award 2018-2019, IRCC, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India.

  • Young Scientist Award 2016, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India.

  • Leverhulme Early Career Research Fellowship 2015 (Nominee), London, U.K.

  • Shah-Schulman Award for 2012 for the best Ph.D. thesis in the area of Colloid and Interface Science by the Indian Institute of Engineers.

  • Joshi-Sivaram Award for the Best Publication in Polymer Science and Organic-Inorganic hybrid Materials with highest impact factor 2011.

  • Best Ph.D. Thesis for the year 2010: Keerthi Sangoram Award on National Science Day 2011 held in National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India.

  • Best Poster Awards at Science Day 2010 and 2009 held in National Chemical Laboratory.

  • Indo-French Sandwich Ph.D. fellowship Award by the French Embassy in India to visit and work at Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal, Bordeaux, France.

  • Topper (Best Student) in the coursework conducted for Ph.D. students joining NCL Pune.

  • Awarded Research Fellowship by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), India, for pursuing Ph.D.

  • Gold Medalist in Master of Science (Applied Chemistry)


         Department of Chemistry

         Indian Institute of Technology Bombay                                                                             

         Powai, Mumbai 400076                                                                                                   

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